Monday, December 6, 2010

Book blog #7-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Reading this book is really interesting,more interesting than when i put this book down for a while and read a different book.Harry Potter is no book you can pick up and put down. You might have to stick to it in your whole reading life.

As i was watching the movie, i began to develop a theory in my head. My theory is "Is snape a two faced person?". I began this theory because i was watching Harry Potter and the goblet of fire yesterday and saw
that Snape had protected Harry with his wand while Dumbledore was helping Harry out. Harry was being attacked by Mad-eye moody but turned out to be the old ministers son. The polyjuice potion expired on him right at the moment he was caught. In Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince, Snape had maimed Dumbledore with a killing charm and killed Dumbledore. That to me makes Snape a two faced person. He is also very malicious.

As i read more of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, i also thought up of another theory. Ever since Dumbledore had passed away things have gotten horribly wrong at Hogwarts. So far into the book, there is no headmaster and i can connect to Harry and the students of Hogwarts. For Harry's connection, I had someone very close to me pass away and i can never get over the fact that this person is dead. It pains my heart to see that someone who cares other than himself like Dumbledore died when a person who is two faced and has no manners like Snape still be alive and wasting a life that some other good person may have.

For the students at Hogwarts, i can connect to them because my former principal Mr. Mateo had retired and he was such a great principal because not only was he a principal but he was a fatherly figure to the students of my old school (P.S.39)who helped these kids and cared for them as if they were his own children. Until my 4th grade year,Mr. Mateo retired and we had a new principal named Ms.depaz. She was ok in my perspective but i couldnt feel that vibe between us. The vibe that she couldnt be my new motherly figure, my astonishing new leader.

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