Monday, December 13, 2010

Book blog #8- Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

Why does J.K.Rowling chose Harry,Ron, and Hermoine as the teenagers to represent the social life of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and whizardy?. I know i may have been doing other blogs on this book but its because i don't want to rush my journey through the finale of Harry Potter.Anyways, these threee teenagers each have a gift in their own special way that J.K.Rowling put them as the main characters of this novel.

Hermoine's gift was definitely her knowledge. She is a sweet,brilliant,charming girl who knows so many unique spells that Harry might not even know. She used a spell for her parents to not remember her and she was forgotten,so she can go with Harry and Ron. Not only did she use this spell for various reasons,but she uses theses speels outside of class time,just like any other type of student except she uses it with her ability to control it and let it be free.

Ron's gift was definitely his humor. Countless times he would make character in this book laugh and giggle so many times that they may have even started to cry. Ron also has another gift which is hospitatility. I feel that no matter what times it may be Ron will welcome anybody that has a heart into their house and care for them as if they were related. Ron has a heart that makes his light shine for a main character role.

Last but not least, Harry's gift was not his scar but it was his theories that he created from little facts and he kind of became a detective to solve these theories and he did that for every book in the series. I think that's really creative unique, for J.K.Rowling to do that with a character. Sometimes everybody wishes they can have that time to shine,just like Harry got to.


  1. Dimitriiii!!!!!!

    This is such an interesting idea. I've never really thought about how authors come up with characters and how they affect the story that way.
    Really cool! You've inspired me for my own writing! :)

  2. >_> you steal but idea but i think that we but emphasized it
