Monday, December 20, 2010

Book blog #9- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

While i am gliding my reading journey through the finale of Harry Potter,i have came up of another theory. My new theory is How is Hogwarts school of witchcraft and whizardry relevant and different to ms51?. My first guess for children to say that it's different because we can't apparate into the building or fly in through magical brooms. This school is very unique and alot to show and offer, starting now.

Hogwarts is similar to ms51 because of education and friendship. It's relevant due to education because we all learn different things that might suprise us in our everyday life but we all find it useful and who knows? It might save you from death killing people such as Snape and Dementors. It's relevant due to friendship because just like in all schools, we all have to make friends or so called "Peers". They will help you on through your daily lives and so will teachers of course, but the "Peers" can connect more since they make be in the same range of age. Its also relevant due to friendship because of frivolous problems that might occur.

School is very important for you, since it guides you to the next step into your life such as your 1rst job/career. Jobs in this story end up for a group of people to muster and end up not having what they want. Instead, they end up getting what they deserved/earned. You wouldnt want to be the person to have something they don't like to do? No! you would want to have something you enjoy doing.


  1. I see that you are really into the Harry Potter series Dimitri! Plus, that was a very cool question that asked in your first paragraph! Good Job!

  2. you're doing a nice job with the vocabulary:)
