Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Book blog #14- The Battle of the Labryinth

Junior High school can be challenging with school work and relationships. Can you ever exist in a school where vile girls are man-eating cheerleaders, trying to sabotage a freshman's reputation because of his kind? Well In the novel The Battle of the Labrynith by Rick Riordan, High school freshman Percy Jackson begins his mother's fiance's school due to his bad behaivor thanks to unexpcected enemies that continue to pop up into his life out of no where.

Being attacked at every school and destorying the school can be very heartbraking. I feel bad for Percy because he must not feel wanted or excepted at anywhere he goes to feel welcome. Well at least he has that special camp full of his family. When I say family I quote his half- blood close friends+actual family. Percy is a cool guy because he has a great attitude and way on how he handles things. To me,he is a one of a kind because his father is Poseidon, Which it god of water.

Freindships do come along. Percy is sort of like me, not because we are both greek, but because we both have a very special best friend that is a girl. One of my best friends that are girls is Nicole Boudinot. she does understand me knowing that we do hang out alot and that we like to talk to each other about the randomest things and also just mumble into the phone when we have nothing else to say... well that's what I do.
Tomorrow I will be going over her house to hangout and have fun with her and another person. In this situation, I do feel like Percy because he does have strong connections with mostly females than males and that's exactly the same with me.This book does take you through an amazing adventure and I am love with it already even though I am on the 22nd page.It really is inspiring also because not only does it have a huge thing on friendships, but it also has a little treat that everyone will enjoy.


  1. I love the way you talked about family in your blog post. Just like in my blog post. Good Job:)

  2. i like how you added in someone elses quote
