Wednesday, September 29, 2010

book blog #1

  My book that i have finished reading is Bridge to Terabethia. This book is an amazing book that may have a conection to anyone because the story revovles around friendship and imagination. For me, i can connect to this book because jesse has 4 annoying sisters but i have 1 sister and shes is very annoying. Anyone can conect to friendship because everybody has friends and that everyone can connect to imagination because some time in our lives we have had a huge imagination that has wanted to come out to life (the real world).
    I had alot of great experiences reading this book and it made me feel like how come i can't have  the woods in my backyard and be swinging  on a rope to my so called imaginary land? I sometimes had dreams of me swinging on the rope with my best friends and being the rulers of terbetthia through the power of friendship and imagination but most importantly trust.
      Something horrific that I would not want to happen is the rope breaking but unfortunately that had happened to leslie and she died. Now i sometimes question to myself anfd to my book club members Why did she have to die?why? What if that happens to me? hopefully not.One suggestion is thaat if i was in the book and i was the main character i would have built a bridge because it would have been surdier and that i didnt have to worry about me or my friends falling into the creek and smashing their heads on the rocks.
        My emotions were really mixed after the death scene happened because i could have connected to anybody in the book because its realy sad and terrifying that a close friend of yours can die right on you when you might need them the most. My grandmother died of breast cancer and i know that she's not a friend but it really hit me when she did die and it took me some time to calm down bbut the truth is you'll never calm down and you never get over their death. R.I.P. GRANDMA JOANNA


  1. Nice job, Dimitri. Why do you think Katherine Patterson ended the book with Leslie's death?

  2. i think she ended the book with Leslie's death because katherine might have wanted to add more tension in the ending of the book
