"To kill a mocking bird", by Harper Lee, is a very deep book that requires readers to think hard about choices while coming of age. This book is also very challenging, not only because of the font size and if it's hard or not, but the meaning and description of each chapter. There was a special quote from this book that was about coming of age which was "My shell's not that hard, child. I'm just a baptist". This has a strong meaning because It's discussing about on how trust maybe in the hands of a person that may or may not be reliable to another.
A personal experience of mine had happened today as well. I have told my friend what another friend told me about my friend and she was smoking-red hot. She looked like she was ready start beating someone like a potatoe getting mashed into mash potatoes. At first I was scared because I though she was about to kick ass in 3 seconds but thankfully she did not. She looked unreliable because she kept on questioning towards me on why my other friend told me that thing, which I wasn't supposed to know. I gave her an answer but that look of hatred was still on her face and that look of sorrow and guilt was on mine.
A character that I can relate to is Scout because she doesn't show any emotion due to the fact that she has a blank face on every event that happens to her. That's pretty much what I do because I don't want to show my real emotions and get harrased about how the situation occured with my other opponent. Us as characters do have similar internal and external conflicts. She doesn't know how to voice her opinion which happens to me sometimes when I am debating about something that I like and an external conflict is that she's not very social with people while talking. I have times when I am just sitting there with my two other friends feeling like a third wheel and an extra.
Scout's people that are active part of her life and so is mine is familiy. Coming of age does involve family because we work together and function as a roller coaster with our daily routines and emotions/feelings. My family is very special to me because they have taught me everything that I know today and they are guiding me through my life as I am coming of age.